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Sunbird -Blog 3

3rd December 2008

Weather has changed with light winds and rain. ETA seems to be getting later and later.

However life on board is never boring!

Yesterday we caught a Wahoo after changing the lure.

She was huge and Steve brought her in beautifully with the help of Dave. The poor sod died happy though after Liz handed over a bottle Bacardi to pour down its gills.    (If I flapped around on deck would they pour gin down my throat?) So it'll be fish for breakfast, fish for lunch and fish for dinner for the foreseeable future!

We have also had a few flying visitors come aboard the first being a beautiful white Egret type bird we affectionately named "Harry the S**te Hawk" due to the fact he s#$t every bloody where! He hitched a ride with us for 24 hrs then thought better of it after we thought he'd like some anchovies!! (Unbeknown to us that's what the last 15 boats had been feeding him) he must have had a fright after seeing what we did to the wahoo and thought "bugger this I'm off"

During the night while Amanda and Steve were on watch a little tiny birdy flew into the spinnaker   Ahhh!   and got a tad disoriented, so the bird loving capitan decided to go to it's rescue,  the little bird must have been grateful as Steve was able to pick it up easily and bring it to the cockpit where Steve ever so nicely asked the dear sweet little thing ? and where would you like to die? !  under the foresail perhaps?

Inevitably, on coming round the bird didn't stay long enough to give Steve an answer!!!

To quote Dave " Noah had less bloody animals on his boat"!


Dear Sally Anne,

Just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know the true story of my voyage to date!

When three lovely ladies came to my market stall at five o'clock in the morning I thought I was going to nice home!!

They told me I was going to a lovely Caribbean island to live a wonderful life on the beach sipping pina-coladas , what they didn't tell me was what I'd have to go through to get there!

So far I have been forced to endure

1)      Extreme sports without safety equipment

2)      Suffocation with plastic bags in the galley next to the oven (as if its not hot enough there as it is)

3)      A near death experience due to nearly drowning in squalls

4)      Being left to dry out and then forgotten and left to wilt in the scorching midday sun

I now fear for my life as Amanda has spent much time contemplating what herbs she can use to enhance the flavour of the fish and there are no other fresh herbs on board.


If by the grace of God I do make it to the other side, I will be forced to lodge a formal complaint to the British Horticultural Society.


For the record!.. I live in fear of the word jibe and your competition SUCKS!


Basil Plant

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