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Zephyr - Day 2 & 3, 24th and 25th Nov

We’re all starting to settle into the new routine. Although we’re really battling to make any progress as the wind is so weak.  We tried four different sail arrangements and have come back to the twin head sail arrangement now.  To make any real headway, Zephyr needs at least 12/13 knots of wind and at present we’ve got 8.  As a consequence, the sails were flapping the whole night, completely inefficient and making sleep a challenge.  The upside to the light wind is a very smooth sea.


Hans continues in his effort to catch a fish.  We’ve been trailing many different types of lures for the last two days but to no avail.  In fact, we’ve trailed line most the way down to the start in Las Palmas.  I’m, seriously starting to think that there’s nothing out there.  This mornings (25th November) effort involve a lure wrapped in the foil from a St. Nicholas (Father Christmas) chocolate figure……desperation seems to be creeping in!


This morning the light winds continue and the sea state is even more smooth.   In contrast to the weather at home, we’re getting fried today!  It’s probably 28 -30 °C and the sun feels very strong.  We’ve rigged a shelter over the cockpit to give us some protection.  It’s made from an old camouflaged sheet the kids used to play with in the garden.  The advantage of this is that we can sneak up on other ships unseen!!


Otherwise all is well aboard Zephyr.  We’re all in good shape, no sea sickness although I do sense a whiff of boredom amongst the crew……whoever’s responsible for the wind needs to give us some soon.  Down to the last of the pre-cooked meals (kindly provided by Diane, my wife) the others were gratefully wolfed down in the previous two day’s. After today, we’ll be preparing food from scratch…OK then, opening tins!!


That’s all for now, love and best wishes to all at home.


Dave, Sarah, Hans and Wolfgang.






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