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Jadamama - Jadamama into the South Pacific tradewinds

We are in a steady flow of 13 kt south easterly now after a strenuous day putting up and down our genneker and putting in and shaking out reefs in the main. The final set of squalls lasted most of the afternoon and seemed to act as a barrier to boats heading south with confusing changes in wind direction and strength. Continuing to head south of the rhumbline to stay in the breeze and likely to do that for another few days. Not entirely dissimilar to the Atlantic crossing but a good bit warmer and it is easier, if not a great sight, to strip down in rain showers rather than gearing up.

There is a demand to see Polly’s Mahi Mahi but mine isn’t good enough as it doesn’t show how big it is... we will post a better one from Heno shortly. We ate fillets of it last night with mash and green beans, our best meal to date. Our watch system is pretty benign and flexible with just two hours officially on and six off which allows us to support each other with whoever is around without eating into precious sleep. Our duties are assigned according to our abilities with me out of the galley completely where Polly plays the starring role. We are leaving it run for the next couple of days until we change the ships clock on Monday which is causing some anxiety as to who will be cooking next !


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