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Sweet Dream - Day 98 April 21, 2019

Hoppy Easter! We cleaned the inside of the boat, cooked a big feast, and enjoyed the fellowship of Mike and Neil from Chao Lay, and an old friend from our Seattle days, Roy, from S/V Mabrouka. Hard to believe that four years ago we met Roy when we were joining the Co Ho Ho Ho, a really that goes from Seattle to San Diego( as a precursor to the Ba ha haha, the famous San Diego to Cabo San Lucas rally...hence the silly name..a Coho is a Pacific salmon.) What good times, catching up! We all swapped sea stories, boat naming stories..Mabrouka is Arabic for Blessed Lady and Chao Lay is Sea Gypsy in Thailand. Great Fun! After all the hard work of the past three days it was lovely to sit back, sip wine, eat too much food, and spin yarns with our friends. Enjoying the Sweet Dream in Tahiti!


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