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Salsus - Bear away and change your life!

Well, that was an interesting crossing, to say the least. We diverted to Gijon because our boat was taking in water in heavy weather. It was a tense couple of hours as we were trying to find the problem, but we could manage with pumping as there was not that much water coming in. We didn't find the problem, but we managed to stop the influx. At the same time we were trying to manage the increasing wind. We saw gusts of 35 kts (BF8) on top of a steady 30kts of true wind (BF7). The waves were about 5 - 6m. But the boat was well under control, the team was working perfectly. No panic, just get the job done. Very proud skipper! Because we didn’t want to risk the second depression without knowing what the problem was, we diverted to Gijón.

We have been in Gijón the last two days making small repairs, clearing Spanish customs, and relaxing a bit. We are planning to sail west this afternoon or tomorrow morning. There is another depression coming on Saturday, so we will not round Cape Finisterre before Sunday. It is just the two of us now, Steef has left this morning and Riccardo will leave this afternoon. We plan to be in Bayona by Monday afternoon.

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