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Wings - Sat. morning, Nov. 9

Wings Blog, Sat. morn , Nov 9  

The winds returned about 3:00 a.m. this morning, certainly adequate, but far diminished from earlier in the week -- now about 15 knots or so.  Beautiful morning -- hot and sunny.

Despite the calm yesterday, it seemed like it was the longest day of the sail so far.  We got a lot done.  The swimming pool locker is now empty of water -- and for awhile, was also emptied of all the stuff inside.  Dave and Tommy found everything in there but Jimmy Hoffa -- we even found two fold-up lawn chairs, despite the lack of a lawn on a sailboat.  The locker is now clean and everything neatly stowed inside.

All day yesterday and through most of the night, Howard was able to keep the water-maker working; apparently, it's gone on-the-fritz again this morning.  So far, no one except Bob has volunteered to taste what it has produced.  We've discouraged his imbibing for the time being, however, in case the result might require his constant use of the one head that is working.  

With yesterday's calm, we were able to all eat dinner together at the same time, actually sitting down at a table -- we've not been able to do this since the Friday night a week ago before we set off from Portsmouth.  

Looking forward to a nice day sailing.  More later...

Anonymous Pat.

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