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Ria - Wednesday 26th- Still no fish...

I have this afternoon come to the conclusion that fishing is a rather boring sport- unless you are catching any fish.  This being the case, as I was sunbathing in the SHADE I decided to write a poem about our rather eventful day so far.  It is probably not particularly informative, and I am no literary genius, but it entertained me nonetheless and that is probably the important thing.  Here goes:
My 4am start was too early,
I clocked on as Roger clocked off.
He recounted me tales of listening to whales
And as dawn broke the sky appeared pearly.
On the horizon I spotted a light.
Of the ship's direction I wasn't too sure,
No starboard, no port light, they werent obeying the law,
We kept clear but it gave us a fright.
Whilst asleep Nick was thrown from his bunk,
Hatch left open his bed was now sunk (sorry Mummy....yes I've told them off)
This abandoned as instructions were being shouted by boss,
As the spinnaker let out a clunk.
The time on the clock was now 8,
With the cruising shute down we all bore a large frown,
And decided it was time we all ate.
When brekkie was done and dusted it was time for another sail change,
The twizzle had got in one hell of a pickle,
The morning had been rather strange!
Robert and Roger are snoozing, and Nick and I sit in the sun,
Catastrophes are over, our speed like that of a Rover,
No wonder we dont feel too glum.
Fishing line out I lie here and write,
And jump with excitement as I watch a fish bite,
The fin disappears, with my lure it appears
Hopes of dorado for supper are seeming quite slight!
Well there you go!  Had I written normally you would realise that our day (or morning at least) was infact rather stressful.  Everything great though, gorgeous sun still, and flat sea which is lovely.  Daddy just getting a third rod out with steel enforced line so the cheeky b****rs dont bite the hook off again so keep your fingers crossed for us!   Annabel x

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