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Luna - Log 5 - We are sailing...

Det begyndte som endnu en stille dag, hvor solen skinnede, og motoren nynnede sin velkendte, monotone sang. Roen på havet blev udnyttet til at tanke diesel fra jerrycans til tank, og det gik glat og smertefrit - helt som det skulle. Da vi hentede dunken på fordækket, kunne vi også konstatere, at hvalen fra i går stadig fulgte Luna :-)

Og så fortsatte roen ellers på havet og på Luna. Stilheden med varme, sol, ingen vind og ingen fisk på krogene blev udnyttet til at slappe af og få læst en masse.

Ved aftenens ARC-radio-seance meldte flere både, der kun var lidt foran os, at de nu kunne sejle for vind. Vi troede ikke på andet end, at det vindområde, som de var i, ville flytte sig nordpå sammen med dem, før vi kom til det.

Men...kl. 19 kunne vi slukke motoren og gå for sejl. Det var fantastisk at spise i en stilhed, der kun blev afbrudt af bølgebrus og knirken i reb og sejl :-)

Hele dagen havde vi være plaget af ca. 1½ knob modstrøm, som i den grad satte sig præg på fremdriften. I løbet af nattens første vagt stilnede strømmen dog noget af og ikke mindst kom den nu sidevers og hindrede på den måde ikke længere en fornuftig, mod-Bermuda-rettet sejlhastighed.

En nat med vind i sejlene og nu mindre end 300 sømil til Bermuda blev afsluttet af endnu en smuk morgen med sol og stort set skyfrit.

/Luna & Besætning


It started out as yet another day, where the sun was shining, and the engine was humming it's familiar one-tone song. The quiteness was a good opportunity to pour fuel from jerrycans to the tank. When we got the jerrycan from the stern, we realized that the "whale" from yesterday was still following Luna :-)

The rest of the day offered nothing but heat, sun, no wind and no fish. The time was spent by relaxing and reading.

Several boats a bit ahead of us reported sailing by sail, when Jørgen listened to the ARC nighttime radio communication. We weren't very optimistic and expected the wind to go north with the boats before we got to the windy area. 19 o'clock we could turn of the engine and sail by sail. It was really great to be able to enjoy the dinner to nothing but the sound of the waves and all the different noises from ropes and sails :-)

All day we had been sailing against a current of 1½ knots comming straight at us and that has a huge impact on the speed. Fortunately, during the night the current got weaker and not the least, the direction from which it came turned and was now pushing us somekind of sideway which was OK, when our course was set directly at Bermuda.

A good night with wind in the sails was ended by another beautiful morning with sun and alomst no clouds.

/Luna & Crew

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