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Crazy Horse - Aug28

Crazy Horse and Ocean Jasper have now past out of the Great Barrier Reef
waters and have officially past over the top of Australia-Cape York. We are
passing Possession Island which Capt Cook claimed as his own-or that of
England. Capt Cook actually claimed all of the land from 38deg lat to
Possession I. as New South Wales. The passage we are going through bares his
ship's name- the Endeavor Straits. When you look over the land here it
conspicuously has no development. It probably looks very much as it did when
Capt Cook passed through. Not very many places in other parts of the world
can say that! What an amazing sight!

So as we carefully plot our course along this straight we are mindful of the
many reefs and rocks along the path. We hope to be out of the most shallow
by 6pm. Then we are planning a good sail down to Darwin without any drama.
All of us will be happy to put this part of the trip behind us. Any time one
must carefully plod along because of ships, reefs, and small islands it
becomes tiring very quickly. There might be some happy celebrations upon
arriving in Darwin. As far as I am concerned we have passed the half way
point of this trip.

It is a beautiful day with sun and a breeze and about 85 deg. We are motor
sailing with the jib out going with the current at 9.9SOG. That is pretty
good for a sailboat.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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