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Kasuje - Kasuje Log 2nd June

Hi from a frustrated skipper Steve
We have been having technical problems configuring this damn Vista
software and our outgoing emails have not been getting through, so I hope
this one is received.

We crossed the international date line at 22.00 local time on Friday and
we are now parked up in Port Refuge, Tonga and it's 10.00 on Sunday and we
have only been sailing 12 hrs!! Bloody confusing and I have just missed a
day of my life!! We made landfall safely after the 240 nm passage from
Niue, a little tired but thankful we have at last found a harbour that is
flat, comfortable and without swell. We anticipate staying here for a few
days, probably until Wednesday, to recover from the recent passages and
enjoy Tonga, then it's westward to Tahiti. Unfortunately we loose Jim and
Kate here as Jim has a flight back to the UK and work on the 7th and they
naturally would like to have a few days on their own before they leave the
Pacific. (young love and all that)
The passage from Niue was, as it always seams to be, in this part of the
Pacific, ever changing and quite demanding, we did however at least have
36 hrs of a good 8 knot down wind run. The crew did not let me down and
managed to sleep for most of the journey and therefore missed some
terrific action. Whilst at sea we make every attempt to miss any storms
and heavy squalls by constantly scanning with the radar and taking full
attention to the 12 hourly forecasts from Bruce our Aussie weather router,
however around midnight a large system developed right over us, with
thunder and lighting and torrential rain, nothing we could do but sit it
out and enjoy the ride! great fun and at least we washed off all the salt
from Kasuje. Then this morning whilst the crew were still tucked up the
most fantastic double rainbow emerged from the ocean, we were sailing
straight through the central arch and the colours were so vivid they even
reflected off the sea, I doubt there can be much more beautiful. Then to
top Gods statement for this Sabbath day, as we were mooring up the most
fantastic choral singing could be heard over the whole of the bay,
emanating from the central cathedral, just magical.
Mum and Dad (Kate and Jim) and the kids (Ruby and jenny) have now managed
to stir and are off on a reconnaissance mission to find a restaurant and
some action for tonight. A tall order as it is Sunday and we doubt
anything will be open in this highly religious country and this being a
Sunday, but we live in hope. For me it's another brandy and cigar then a
few hours in the hammock and I might just try and get to evening song and
listen to that singing.
Bye For Now
Skipper Steve

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