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Into The Mystic - Food For Thought

As commented previously thanks to Jodi we have eaten really well onboard during our sojourn across the Atlantic.

Today we go out bows firmly pointed towards St Lucia - no more flim-flamming around for us - one day pointing towards Florida and the next day Brazil. Its dead straight for the finish line which os currently some 900-odd miles away. To celebrate we indulged ourselves with a dinner of steak frites. As Henry commented : ‘I have never eaten cow so far from the nearest cow !’ - ho does have a point.

Speaking of Henry. We share all our special food treats on this boat - we have large drawer full of them and lots of chocolate goodies in the fridge. It helps to ease the struggle of those night watches. Well, it seems we all share except for Henry. With shock and horror we discovered tonight the Henry has a secret stash of goodies that e has been keeping for himself. No more. We have embarrassed him into sharing them - we will be much happier boat for your sacrifice, Henry.

The only major crisis in recent days has been the breakdown of the ice machine - Jodi has been distraught. We assumer its another casualty of the horrible motion of the boat in the high winds and heavy seas that have plagued us over recent days. We are all sleep deprived and yearning for more pleasant conditions. We are promised that both the winds and the seas will calm down over the coming days and with a bit of luck the machine e may come back to life too.

The weather has taken its toll on a number of boats - we are aware of at least two abandonments, one involving a fatality. What a terrible tragedy. We have n further details at this time.

We have seen n other boats for four days now and the VHF radio is silent. Its a bloody big ocean this.

Two boats have already finished and we are all really eager to just be there now. Our current target is to finish in the first half of the field but we will happily just settle for getting there safely.

IOf we maintain our current progress we hope to arrive on 9th December, maybe even the 8th if we get luck Sith the conditions.

Love to you all

The Mystics

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