Let us Dance our Lives Across the Ocean

02 November 2023

Christian Lotthé is the oldest sailor and skipper in the ARC+ 2023 fleet, a fit and youthful 88 years old. He is navigating his Beneteau Oceanis 411 Namaste across the ocean where he so clearly feels at home in a spiritual way, as perhaps only a Frenchman could.

This isn’t just the story of a tough older guy though. Christian wants to use his transatlantic voyage as a catalyst to raise €88,000 for the people of Ukraine. His charity is Transat Double Huit (transatdoublehuit.fr).
Here, Christian tells us about his mission:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Namaste.

This the name of this boat, my boat. It means in Sanskrit, 'I bow in front of you.' We navigators know how to lean in front of the wind, don’t we.

I feel I am speaking to all of you on behalf of all grandfathers and great grandfathers. We are all boys thrown together on the same line of love of the sea. This flag [French Tricolour] is only one amongst thirty other countries. We have all in common freedom and democracy.

However, since February 23 2022, many of us feel these values might be impaired by war at our doors. This is why Namaste is linking this marvellous sailing adventure to a fund-raising operation in favour of the Ukrainian population. These funds will be totally transformed into technical goods to help the most defenceless to survive the second winter of 2023-24 from deprivations and cold, whatever the outcome of this war. We will do everything we can to deliver these goods to the addressee in person.

You may be interested to contact our site: transatdoublehuit.fr

I guess being old sailors you know the figure of eight. Eight in French is huit – Hotel, Uniform, India, Tango. It takes more than two to dance the tango. Let us dance our lives on the ocean.

Thank you."

We also asked Chris about why he is sailing with ARC+: