And I thought nothing else could go wrong! 1/2 hour before takeoff we discovered we had a fresh water leak under the port bathrooms in a totally inaccessible place. We managed that problem by turning the water pressure off.
We left with great excitement but no cheering fans or steel bands to see us off (as start had been delayed)! But we did look smart and I may have imagined it but I think one person took a photo! Hope so as I waved frantically! Grey and overcast (not raining- always look on the bright side) with a decent breeze blowing from the NE! Perfect.
Eventually settled into a routine and stopped telling each other what to do. David caught and lost a fish which he insisted was larger than Tyson- just as well as we would need a larger boat.
On day 2, just ot keep us on our toes the bilge pump packed up in the starboard engine room. Got that under control. A shackle on the mainsheet had broken(which we replaced with balletic ease) Oh well, it would be a boring trip if nothing went wrong and I can assure you this is not boring! Hmmmm what next? Shall I tell you?
At approximately 3 AM I heard thumping on our cabin hatch. Just my imagination I thought until it just got more frantic. Lurched from our bunk to be told we had lost the sreecher (30 knot gust will do that). We managed to retrieve it after 2 hours happily without damage to the props- guess we got lucky! At any rate that's my take. Most of the day spent making good the damage incurred- A frame and bow spirit.
On day 4 nothing terribly eventful- just a fickle wind skirting round the boat made our course difficult to maintain. But we did! Oh yes, I will add one good reason to have a sundowner. I went, with great enthusiasm, to our freezer to get the ice, to find about 12 inches on water in the bottom. Martin had intended to wash something, turned on the water and forgot that the water was on. Why? Don't ask! There is a lesson to be learned here. Always but always have a sundowner! raises the spirits and saves the food.
Day 5. Beautiful day. Started badly (on my watch with oscillating winds and rain). Lovely sea now! Long rolling wave which Easy is loving! Carlos and David are now frantically competing to get the best speed.
At the moment the score is David - 18.2 Carlos- 17.4 Watch this space!
Now I reckon it's time to check that freezer