We rented a car to tour the island today. It is a beautiful island but there was not as much to see as there appeared to be on the other islands. That sounds a little spoiled. Bora Bora is largely populated by hotels with cottages on stilts over the water as far as you can see. There are lots of locals in traditional housing. You can have a small hut next to a large hotel. We ate a nice lunch on the beach at the south end of the island. See below.

We also went by the Bora Bora Yacht Club which looked nice. Several of the boats are staying there. Some of it was very nice but some of their cottages had black plastic over the roofs where they were in disrepair. It was hard to tell if anyone was staying in them.

Restaurant sheeting area on the dock

View out the front of Bora Bora Yacht Club

Cannon placed on the island during WWII BY USA

The four of us on an overlook. May fair winds fill your sails with better legs than the 8 in the last photo. Bob