Yesterday, just as we were
about to sit down for dinner, one of our two fishing rods began to furiously
let out line. Simon reeled in a decent-sized pretty blue fish. We’re not sure
what it is; I said mahi-mahi, Will said tuna, and we finally settled on dorado.
Whatever it is, we hope it’s tasty, as it is our supper tonight.
In other culinary news,
Michelle taught me how to make bread today, and I am happy to say that the
reviews of my first-ever loaf were glowing.
The fabulous sailing
continues, now with a following wind of 20-25 knots, allowing us to sail 8-10
knots in a broad reach, and even faster (up to 15 knots) when we surf on the
rollers that throw our stern into the air. The main has one reef and we are
using a full jib.
Going downwind like this is
a welcome change after two days of upwind sailing that pinned us to the boat
and made every movement a struggle. Now we can move more easily, but have to
watch the boat’s surfing through the waves, which is constant and can be quite
wild, causing unfastened objects and unprepared crew to be tossed around the
boat. We are now clipping in our lifelines on deck at all times.
As Will said, “Another
cracking day of sailing!”

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