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Alcedo of Ryme - Blog 47. At Sea. 15.01.48S 156.61.308W
Alcedo of Ryme - Blog 47. At Sea. 15.01.48S 156.61.308W
Friday 14 May. After a windy night, up at six and prepared for leaving the Society Islands. Last trip to the supermarket to use up some CFPs, more chocolate, cheese and bread and oranges. Then cast off as the Dream Yacht Charter Yachts were circling like sharks for their 8.00am reservations on the quay. We set off 2 hours ahead of the "race" start time and were in Passe Paipai when the heavens opened and we were drenched within minutes. Fortunately we could still see the buoys as the pass is quite narrow and it was at this moment that we learnt of Carango's engine failure and rescue by Into The Blue. We really feel for Peter and Vicky as the problem may be serious enough to require parts from Volvo or even a new engine. We will really miss them, as will everyone else, but thank goodness they were with other WARC yachts and in a place where there are facilities for getting it fixed, even if it takes weeks or months. Imagine if it had happened going through the pass at Suwarrow.
We managed to sail most of Friday with the Genoa goose winged, albeit slowly and even had some decent winds after squall during the night. Come Saturday morning, the wind decreased, varying from 4 knots to 10 knots from dead aft, with a big sea that emptied the sails with every roll, so we switched on the iron topsail and have been running it ever since.
Today is Sunday, 16 May. We have both engines running at about 1800 rpm and are making approx 6 knots. We have had one heavy shower this morning, but the wind remains light from the stern. We have motor sailed whenever there was enough wind to do so and keep hoping for just a few knots more. Plan is to arrive at Suwarrow on Thursday morning, by which time we should have wind. Sod's law of the sea dictates that it will then be stronger than ideal for the unmarked pass into the lagoon and just what we want now, such is sailing!