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Caribbean 1500 Nanny Cay Update

Hi everyone!

As I type, 27 boats have already lived to Nanny Cay, a very fast year! Andy and myself arrived with crew yesterday morning and it was great to finally be part of the fleet out there, our first time sailing our own boat in the event!

A few reminders in Nanny Cay:
  • Come and check out the Rally Office on your way to the pool and beach bar! We have some information about the island and flags & shirts for sale as well.
  • Food bank: Bring up your your unwanted food to the rally office, it will be donated to “Family Support Network”. Bring up unopened boxes, cans, jars that you don’t need on the boat after the passage. 
  • Nanny Cay yoga: Daily yoga on the deck by the beach! $10 per person, drop in. Mor info and schedule online
  • Skippers - Remember to turn in your tracker, survey and declaration form to the rally office!
  • BVI Island tour on Wednesday, sing up in the rally office! $30 per person, cash only.

On the program today:

  • Skippers who arrived yesterday and this morning, make sure you head up to Peg Leg at 1pm to check in with Custom and Immigration. Bring crew’s addresses and all crew passport.
  • 17.30-18.30 ARC Caribbean 1500 Happy Hour - Pizza and cold drinks by the beach bar!

Have a great day here in Nanny Cay and make sure you give the new arrivals a big welcome!


Mia, Isabelle, Lyall, Andy and Jake

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