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Bluejay - Blog 11/12

Wednesday 11th December

It's two weeks today until Christmas, not that you would really know that without looking at a calendar onboard Bluejay. Although we've played the odd Christmas tune, we're far removed from the commercial bright lights of the festive season, with the main focus onboard being the final 24-hour push to the finish line. Last night was a testing sail for our crew, with extremely light winds Bluejay at times was difficult to handle but we persevered and managed an average of 5kts boat speed. With the predicted forecast for today looking like next to no wind the thought of motoring the last 24 hours was beyond disappointing for all onboard. However, despite the forecast I sit here slightly heeled over for the first time in weeks, as we steam along at 8-9kts on a beam reach. After 17 days of poled out head sails and spinnakers the change in point of sail is most welcome. The occasional splash comes over the bow as Bluejay cuts through the calm seas and her crew trim sails and bask on the unused sails on deck. Here's to a final 24 hours on our beloved Bluejay.  

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