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Celebrate - SSB Net, May 13, Gooood Morming ARC Fleet and "Contest of the Day"! Rhyming...
Celebrate - SSB Net, May 13, Gooood Morming ARC Fleet and "Contest of the Day"! Rhyming...
Everyone is a winner! The "contest of the day" was making a rhyme for the evening radio check-in.
Many boats participated. One particularly wonderful entry was from Widago who had each verse read on the radio by a different crew member. I hope they put it in the blog.
Here are the rhymes I received by email:
--The Polaris Crew.
The day today was very calm.
Feeling like sitting in the sand beneeth a palm.
But then we get a reminder.
Keep a sharp look out, even the grinder.
First we found a red rescue ring,
one hour later a yellow floating lifesling.
Later in the afternoon,
we ate homemade applepie, with a spoon.
Matthias put the oven on.
Sorry fleet, he just made one.
After that, oh what a drama,
a floating box left by a fishing farmer.
After all we have dinner now.
We lucky guys, we get slices of a cow.
We write it all in the logbook down.
Everything what happens, sheet by sheet.
Good night to the whole fleet.
--Celebrate. While sailing the Northern Atlantic,
An ocean that is quite gigantic,
The wind went away,
So we motored all day,
Gets you there, but is much less romantic.
Thanks again to all who submitted a rhyme!