Nick has studied Russian history with his dad all his life. It was the only history class that he received perfect scores in. A few years ago, Bill (Nick’s dad) died after a nine year battle with ALS, but we could feel his excitement for us after we cleared customs and headed into St Petersburg.
Warning to all, though dangerous due to boat traffic, do not steer away from the buoys upon entry. I did. Oops. Nick always comes to the rescue. In Russia, they apparently love the jet ski. Big boys with toys paying attention to no rules. Anyway, tied safe and sound with the fleet at the yacht club, Selkie quickly found a playground and got some rest.
In the days to follow, we toured the Hermitage and saw loads of art. We ate stroganoff at the nearby nightclub and enjoyed watching young adults smoke hookas. We toured Peterhof and frolicked through the trick fountains and history. We enjoyed lunch at the Home Cafe that was very friendly to kids. The whole family saw a Folk Show and shouted and cheered! We had a free day for the Church of Spilled Blood and a canal boat tour. We dressed up super fancy and went to the Russian ballet. Nick and I got away alone and explored the city on foot, which ended up at the Stroganoff Steakhouse, a nice shop to buy a wool scarf from Moscow and a naval wooden chess set, the Chocolate Museum, and a grocery store.
Whew! Russia was all that and a bag a chips! We will have fond memories. Thanks ARC team: Mark and Cecilie!