The pharmacies in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have many years of experience suppling skippers with the medical equipment and medications they may want to have onboard for their Atlantic crossing.
The ARC rally handbook sets out the types of supplies that should be carried onboard all boats, both in terms of ‘First Aid’ equipment – i.e. dressings, bandages, splints and suture kits as well as useful medication to have onboard.
We invited Pharmacist Danny, from Farmacia Valido Sanromán, onto the ARC Platform and spoke to him about the typical questions he is asked by our participants:
What paperwork do I need to be able to obtain medication from the pharmacy?
Pharmacists can supply medication, which would normally only be available with a prescription, to boat skippers. Skippers will need to present their Passport AND boat registration documentation to the pharmacist before any medication can be supplied.
What medications can pharmacists in Las Palmas supply?
Pharmacists can supply the full range of medications recommended by the World Cruising Club including antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antispasmodics, and analgesics (except for morphine and morphine derivatives). They are also able to supply preloaded adrenaline syringes for anaphylactic shock.
It is worth noting that the instructions for all medicines supplied will be in Spanish, and the ‘brand’ names of the drugs may be different to ones you have purchased in your home country. It is therefore important that you take the time to label up your medical supplies appropriately to ensure medications are incorrectly administered.

Can the pharmacists dispose of the expired medications?
Yes – if you take your out-of-date medications with you when you go to purchase new supplies, the pharmacists will dispose of your expired medications securely.
What should I do if a member of the crew has an allergy to one of the recommended medications?
It is important that all skippers are aware of any allergies crew may have to both prescription and non-prescription medications. If you have a member of crew who is allergic to a specific medicine e.g. penicillin, the pharmacist will be able to advise you of suitable alternatives.