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Calash - Day 5 – Thursday 25 November 2021

Jamie and I took over at 0000 hrs and initially had the same light winds and slapping of sails.  We had to modify the direction a little to minimise the rocking and rolling for those poor folk trying to sleep.  We certainly had poor dodo time prior to our shift. The wind gradually filled in and we managed to gain speed, direction and stability.  We must have been doing a great job as for the second night running our replacements failed to emerge at their allotted handover time.  A wee gentle reminder was elicited and we were duly relieved. Colin and Callum’s shift was equally uneventful, although they did claim to have seen more dolphins.  Thankfully this allowed phase 2 quality sleep and I didn’t emerge from my pit until 0825 hrs - luxury!!

The morning was spent cruising downwind at a decent 6-7 knots.  Various maintenance tasks were tackled by those more competent.  Jamie checked the rigging, Colin washed Alan’s pants, almond St. Other less noteworthy items, and Alan decided to shave bits of wood off the interior of his cabin (day 5 for him to show first signs of madness).


24 hour progress – 170 nm – cumulative 517 nm


As per forecast, the wind dropped again in the afternoon and we bobbed along at 3 knots waiting on the promised winds that would take us to the Trade Winds that would deliver us to paradise…we shall see!? Frustration got the better of us (or Alan at least) and we turned the engine back on for a short period until the wind caught up.  It was then back to plain sailing on a broad reach heading west - a 10 knot wind, but up to 8 knot speed over ground.  Now that’s more like it!

I was on cooking duty ably assisted by Callum.  Burgers, baked cubed potatoes and green beans, followed by freshish pineapple.  We also prepped some of the veg for future dishes, before they turned a whiter shade of pale.

Alan’s watch set the standard with fine tuning of the sails.  It should be a night of good progress but sleeping at a tilt.


Clive the cabin boy standing by...



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