Alcedo of Ryme - Blog 64. Denarau. 17.46.36S 177.22.93E
Sunday 3 July. With the wind beginning to blow up to 17 knots north of east and into the anchorage in Nalauwaki Bay, we had no reason to stay, so pulled up the anchor at 08.45 and set off for Denearu. Once round the corner and heading south and east, passing Toujours Belle going north on the way, we had a great sail in very pleasant conditions until the wind dropped. Then it was a motor into Denarau and a good berth in the marina recently vacated Spirit and in time for a late lunch. After a small siesta, we enjoyed choosing a restaurant for supper, showering in lots of water and planning a day with a rent a car tomorrow. Mearra Nieida were next to us and helped us with our arrival and we were also pleased to see Sophia, Two Fish and Take Off, the latter about to depart for Musket Cove, a little late in the day for us nervous types.
Monday, 4July. With a smart 4 wheel drive, we set off for the Garden of the Sleeping Giant, a lovely 50 acre site specialising in orchids, but also a beautiful garden in itself with running water, ponds and masses of birds. The a drive across the Nausori Highlands heading for the village of Navala, which we never quite made as it is hard to find and the road is mostly un-paved. The scenery is quite stunning and it is well off the beaten track and well worth a visit.
Tuesday, 5 July was a boat day, stocking up on as much fresh fruit and vegetables and other fresh stores that we might need for the 1030nm sail to New Zealand, as neither Musket Cove nor Tanna are good places for stocking up. Nadi has a very good market, there is a good butcher on the road out of the marina and most things are available from the supermarkets in town, except decent chocolate. Not good for us chocoholics as we have very little left and rationing is being imposed by the Skipper's wife! We also had a fun time in the Nadi Village handicraft market, which would never have found if we had not been taken there by a local, as it is down a back street and up some steps. We were welcomed with a Sevusevu ceremony involving Kava to drink as well as the usual Fijian speech and clapping, all very nicely done. Then a really fun meal with the Wishangers and a catch up with Take Off's tale of woe of close encounters with fishing boats and rocks. She is now out of the water for inspection and repairs and we are taking Louise and the children to Musket Cove where they will be staying in the resort.
Tomorrow will be filling up with fuel and water, hopefully finding the spare part for the water maker which is somewhere in Fiji and then on to Musket Cove for a very social 2 days.