Widago - Bermuda-Azores Leg Day 10: Grass is not greener

Well, the gamble to motor two days north in hopes of finding this mythical wind, has not paid off. While we are finally sailing again with our parasailor, the wind machine has not been turned on like we had envisioned. Still, we are making headway at 5-6 comfortable downwind knots.

 You know it's a slow news cycle when today's highlight was cleaning the master cabin head. Linen scented Clorox, purple flavored Mr. Clean, a roll of paper towel, and fresh floor mat really does wonders on a small space. So we got that going for us. That "oh so clean feeling" should last approximately eight more minutes, give or take. We are still working out this whole local time business. Ahab made the executive decision to just go for it and jump ahead to Zulu time - that 's Greenwich mean to you land lubbers out there. With three fewer (or is it "less"?) hours to work with today, and the fact that the kids slept a bit late, things were working in my favor. Breakfast became brunch, lunch vanished (sorta like the wind around here), dinner came early, and sunset was now at 9:30.

I opted again to go with Mother-of-the-Year worthy parenting by providing the kids a nutritious brunch of Fruit Loops (sans milk), followed by dessert of only a single pack of M&Ms. Today's educational highlight was the practical math problem of dividing said candy equitably amongst the three boys. That's the key with homeschooling - make it useful. Luckily we are already finished for the school year, so this was more of an extra credit problem. They are really over achievers.

We are looking forward to our arrival in Horta, sometime in the next month. The boys are eagerly planning their mural design for the marina wall. Nothing like getting ahead start on next year's art curriculum.
