Aislig Bheag - Call me Ishmail! - First Few Days

The start from Bermuda was a spectacular race out of the town cut at a roaring 6 knots between two sheer cliff walls with a blue sky and a light ten knot wind.  Vying for position early on the skipper held firm as Aislig Bheag charged towards the gap with an Italian yacht (Mahe 3) a few feet off our port side.  So close that John shouted out humorously “have you got a fender?” which indicated his clear resolve to stick to his line come hell or high water. We made it through the narrow channel first and as soon as the last channel buoy lay astern we raised the chute and tore away through the pack and leaving a new Leopard 48 in our wake.
The tactical decision had been made to head South and away from a developing low to the North and as dusk fell the pack of yachts on the horizon gradually dispersed with some heading to the North and the promise of high winds and others diving South hoping to pick up brisk winds 24hrs on.  It was towards sunset that we spotted our first Whale off the Port side and David our newest crew member recounted tales of  bulls charging yachts and Michael recounted his love of Moby Dick.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) this whale appeared to be sleeping with it’s large black bulk silhouetted against a clear blue ocean and only the wisp of air and spray from it’s spout indicating its ponderous presence.  Still, as the sun set it presented a magnificent site.
The first night was a welcome one with light winds and the yacht rolling majestically on a downwind point of sail.  Dawn brought another sunny day and a chance for the crew to relax with hot coffee as Gaetano serenaded the crew with his classical guitar playing.  The amusing incident of the day was Owen’s realisation that he’d accidentally purchased 300 wet wipes which were meant for dog paws and not babies.  As he and Marianne had been using them for the entire first leg and had both been perturbed by the fact they smelt horrendously, this realisation had everyone quite amused.  Mental note ‘Pawtizers’ are a literal title and the depiction of a baby on the front somewhat misleading!
On evening 2, Michael had the opportunity to practice his culinary skills by preparing an excellent spaghetti bolognaise, claiming beginners luck.
As the sun is setting on our third day out of Bermuda the strains of Michael Jackson can be heard in the Saloon and cockpit and the crew are in good spirits preparing for a dinner of Chinese Sweet and Sour Chicken and noodles before the evening watches begin.  With gusts of up to 27knts predicted for later tonight the crew are expecting to make good time to the East avoiding the gale further North but as any sailor knows, the winds and the sea are entirely unpredictable and we will just have to see what the night brings!
Aislig Bheag Crew