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Peregrine - Starry night!

The sky last night was amazing. There was no moon and it was cloudless so we were able to see all the stars in there full glory, and so many shooting stars that we stopped bothering to count them. Hannah got to 10 in 30 seconds! It must have been some sort of meteor shower. Does anybody out there in real life know for sure? Real life! That certainly isn't what we have on board. We have seriously lost track of time. Well not Time, we know what the hour is (UTC) at any given moment, but what day is it? Um? I'll just check the logbook!

The reason we have been able to concentrate on the stars so much is that we have lost the wind again and sadly we are motoring. Lots of mental calculations are going on. We only have enough fuel to motor for 48 hours (about 240 miles) we are currently 460 miles away from St Lucia. So if this calm lasts for more than 24 hours then Huston we have a ....

Well, we can sit and bob around for a while, plenty of food and water. No need to think about eating the youngest member of the crew just yet. (We're certainly not going to eat the eldest, I can assure you that he'd be tough!)

The eternal sailor's lament, too much wind, or not enough. So much for a Trade Wind passage with those reliable North Easterly 15 to 20 knot winds.

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