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Indulgence - Birthday Girl!

Tuesday 4th December

Current Position: N 19o 42'.426 W 32o 54".267

Current Speed : 6.8 knots

Distance to finish at Saint Lucia : 1638 nm

* * * * *

Close your eyes. Imagine you are on a thirty six foot yacht, crossing the Atlantic. We are eight days in, about half way there and our night watch has just passed. As it happens, it was a dirty night with several squalls and lots of rain passing through. Our headsail is shortened in and the three reefs still sit in the main. Me, I'm in my bunk, pretty cosy and all wrapped up. Aidan calls "Ten minutes Joleen, but take your time" and I know that i have to get up. Right. Here goes!.

After a small stretch, I make my way out to the heads, and back again to my little corner to freshen up. But STOP!!!!! Go no further, because three guys are above in the cockpit shouting my name!. Hahahahaha.

The three of them, dressed in no more than swimming shorts and sparkly colour co-ordinated ties, holding out a tray of chocolate bars with candles.

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you… the seagulls are even jealous at the harmonious chorus! If it wasn't for my sleepy vision, I would have thought three chipendales were before me, but no, it is the three stooges, Aidan Heffernan, John Hanly and Denis Hagle. Why any woman would be jealous of me now!.

I couldn't help but be in convulsions of uncontrollable laughter. Quickly, quickly, there's more… Birthday presents! And what does everyone get on their birthday in Ireland? Why scratch cards of course! These ones, Gran Canarian shopping lucky dips. I was unsuccessful. Surprise, surprise. A keyring to remind me of my birthday at sea and so I could fit in with the crowd, another sparkly tie. Lucky me. To match, co-ordinating sunglasses to match my hair. Muy expensivo!, I've been assured but the skipper.

So the day has continued and so has the birthday party. Chocolate brownies have been baked and eaten. Even a few beers have been cracked open and the mp3 player is on overdrive. As we sit down for dinner now, John has requested that all gentlemen onboard wear their best shirts. I get to judge. This will be interesting….. Updates tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for the comments on yesterdays post. It is great to know that you are all reading our updates and interested in what is going on out here. We'll keep you posted.

Over and out.

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