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Bristolian - Day 7 - under bombardment

Photo attached is one of several kamakazi flying fish that have attempted to take over the boat. So far we have managed to repel them all although Richard found one in his pants (or at least thats what he said it was)

Curry night passed well, so to speak, although there was a near disaster as the Lamb Jalfrezi escaped across the galley floor after a particularly violent lurch. The cook was heard praying to the great curry god, Pharr, King of Hell shortly afterwards. Luckily next weeks ration had only just gone to the freezer so disaster was averted.

Sailing-wise all going well. A bit of excitement when a shackle came off the main, caused by an errant splitpin, but situation was swiftly brought under control thanks to acrobatics by Paddy and Lachie.

Very consistant wind and waves for the past 48 hours have meant we continue to make good progress close to our intended way. We seem to be flying in the face of public opinion over the best way to go, and in fact going North is now known as "Doing a Paddy", but we are happy in our ways.

Bristolian poker school got under way yesterday. The big winner was Mr Big who was able to recommend some assistance to the losers who found themselves in an awkward debt situation.

Bridge school was featured this afternoon with Mr Big and his nemesis Little Pete demonstrating great skill to their novice partners. Not really sure who won, and even less sure of the rules and nuances, but a good time was had by all.

Roomie Simon and I decided to swab out our cabin at 4 in the morning, it was lucky we'd left a hatch open so we didnt have to manually fetch all that seawater. Also fortunate that Simon's bag was able to absorb most of the excess.


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