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Matilda - Sweet Suwarrow

We didn't have particularly high expectations of Suwarrow, in fact we almost decided to go to Rarotonga instead, but we're so glad we didn't. Once again we have found another "best so far" destination. The water is even clearer, which we wouldn't have thought possible, the fish and sharks more abundant, and the parties more fun!

When we arrived yesterday morning (19 May) we were the last boat to enter the anchorage from our group. Luckily the other 7 boats traveling with us held off until last night for a big barbecue and party. We helped the guys from Glamorous Galah get the fire going and explored the old cabin left over from WW2 "watchers" and subsequently occupied by Tom Neale of "An Island to One's Self" fame. The rest of the fleet joined us ashore at about 4pm and a wonderful Aussie Barbie was had.

After a few hours of eating and drinking on the beach, including a game or two of Kub (a Swedish game like quoits with wooden blocks - great fun) we all retired back to Anastasia, the big cat on the fleet. Phil and Andrea were wonderful hosts and we drank and danced the night away while the reef sharks circled in the crystal clear water below.

We both woke today with nasty hangovers, which we cured with a snorkel into the island and more exploring ashore. It really is a fascinating place; a paradise which shows us how many of these islands must have been before modern human settlement, farming and over fishing. The abundance of sea life is stunning.

The less we say about the crossing here from Bora Bora the better; the wind was yet again not on our side, although it seems the second fleet are having even worse luck with the winds. The first boat from the second fleet, Sapphire, should arrive later today, in fact we've already had a chat with them on the VHF. The rest of the first fleet seem to be planning to leave today due to some weather information they have, although we are having some trouble understanding the decision to leave early... We will hang around until at least tomorrow, or perhaps Tuesday morning, when I think the winds are forecast to fill in a little more. We will be sailing once again in the company of Glamorous Galah, if we can keep up!

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